Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Several Updates...

The last week or so has been really busy and really fun.  Here is a recap of the festivities.

We picked up my sister Sherstin's kids to help watch them for the week.  (She went to Nauvoo with my parents and her hubby)  My sister Jess and I watched the kids.  It was a little crazy having all the extra kids, but I really loved it and really miss them already!  We spent some time at the pool, going on walks to the park, and I even taught the kids a little cake decorating.  We went to the Hannah Montana movies and also did some geo-caching.  We also took the kids to the temple open house in South Jordan.  My Grandpa met us there to go through.  

Over the weekend we had some special friends from Henderson come and visit.  We loved seeing Tisha and the kids!!  Missed you Neil.  Then on Friday we went to Bear Lake with the Mickels and Bodilys- some friends from our time in Cedar City.  We had a blast relaxing, sailing, swimming, playing tennis and just catching up.  We have been blessed with such GREAT friends!  On Saturday we stopped at Summerfest here in Logan, where Nick had some of his paintings on display.  The paintings had to be of an outdoor scene in Cache Valley.  They turned out really nice.  
So tired after a long day sailing.  I laid her on the bed to get ready to change her, grabbed a diaper from her bag and came back to this sleepy head.
Really the last few weeks have just flown by.  I feel like my baby is growing too fast.  It makes me think of the song, "Don't Blink."  She has been blowing bubbles for a few months now, but I finally caught it on film.

Last but not least...yesterday they dug a hole in our mud.  The house building has officially begun.  We are so excited!(this picture is the day before the dig.)


Missy said...

I didn't know Nick had some pictures on display at Summerfest! We went on Friday. I would have looked for them!

Jewel said...

That's neat that Nick is making a name for himself as an artist in the community by becoming involved in those types of events. We just went to the Art Show for Lehi round up days. It was fun. Thought of you, Nick.

Molly blowing bubbles is so cute. Sailing looks neat too.

Chad, Natalie, Russell, and Autumn said...

Hey guys, looks like you are just having too much fun. I am so excited for you guys that you get to build your very own house. Good luck with that!

We will be in Idaho the whole month of October this year so maybe we will be able to get together. Russell and I will be there also for two weeks, the last in July and the first in Aug. My twin is getting married. So if you want to come see the falls then or something let me know.