I have seemed to post a lot lately, but this one is for my mothers. I never knew why mothers don't really like mothers day. Maybe they don't feel they measure up to all the other mothers out there. Maybe it seems like an ordinary day with mouths to feed, kids to watch over, and dishes to still be done. I for one have found my first mothers day as a mother to be very joyous. Nick got me a new skirt and shirt to wear to church since I can't wear dresses due to nursing. Then he got Molly ready for church, and even made breakfast. The talks in church inspired me to be an even better mother and at the end of sacrament, the young men passed out Cox Honeyland Honey. Yumm! Now it is almost time for a Sunday nap. As I sat and thought about what a great day it has been I have been reminded of my wonderful, beautiful mothers.

My mom is not someone who would appreciate me bragging about her to everyone, but I will just say I have righteous pride in her. She is amazing! She has done so much for me and sacrificed so much for her children. What a blessing it must be to know all of her children are worthy of the temple. That came about because of her faith in us and in God. She lives what she teaches. With it taking 5 years to get Molly and after miscarrying our first child, when we told my mom that we were pregnant with Molly, she was so thankful to the Lord. She spent one day each week for the next 9 months fasting for us to be able to carry a child full term so that I would be blessed to be a mother. What a sacrifice. Thanks mom!! We love you and appreciate your prayers, support and care.

I have another woman in my life that I call mother. She is my husbands mom, so I have been blessed to adopt her. In just the 6ish years that I have know Ali, I have learned of her grace, caring and loving heart. She is constantly serving those around her. She also lives her faith and shares her testimony as she leads the music in primary. She is understanding and gives council and love. We love you too mom. Thanks for all you do!
PS-Molly thinks she has the best grandmas too!