This month we did a bit of traveling. The first place we traveled to was Price. I haven't ever been there and it was a long drive. I don't like being in the car!! I did have fun with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Sherstin's family though. Everyone likes to make me smile and I love all the attention. We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house with Nana, Papa and Crystal. Then the next day we drove to SLC to play in the motel. I went swimming for the first time and really liked it, except for the cold. I took a quick nap and then we went to temple square to see the lights. I slept through a lot of it because I was so tired. Then I cried the whole way home...did I mention I hate cars?!? I love laying on my back and playing with my feet. I like sitting in the bumbo so I can see what everyone is doing. I had my 4 month check up and I was 24 inches-18th percentile, 13 lbs 2.5 oz-20th percentile, 16.5 inch head-77th percentile. I also love eating my fingers, looking at myself in the mirror and playing with my sisters.
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