Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Happenings

We started the month with the girls Lets Play Music concert.  Molly played a piece on the piano that she wrote.  It was about nature.   Avey played her bells and snag.  Both grandparents grandparents and the Prices came to watch.  Both the girls had dentist appointments this month.  Avey was nervous, but as soon as she got there she loved it!  No cavities for her.  Molly had a couple cavities.  Avey liked being able to help the dental assistant.  We spoiled mom for Mothers Day and that was fun.  Molly made pictures, cards, coupons and breakfast for me.  Nick spoiled me too with all the work he has been doing on the house.  The girls and Nick built a new fairy garden.  We have also been on a few fishing trips this month.  We even caught a fish.  We also had a special picnic for grandma and grandpa Whitehead to celebrate their mission.  For Memorial break we had a fun campout in the backyard.  Nick and the girls stayed in the tent but I stayed inside.  The next day we went mini golfing and to Cherry Hill to swim. We have also been busy finishing up the house and getting ready for the baby.  I have 8 more weeks until the baby is dues.  I'm definitely feeling the effects of being 32 weeks along.  I'm so tired and uncomfortable all the time.  I hope so badly that she comes early.  I don't know how long my body can handle this.