Life keep flying by and it seems that I can't keep up. My gaol today is to get November and December on the blog.

Sunday stroll as a family!

One day the girls were bored so Nick took them to the DI to find some old material. I helped the girls cut out wings and they decorated them. The girls loved them and would hardly ever take them off.

Best Friends! Molly and Avey really do play so well together. They are best friends. Annabel is a friend of Avey's. They play together a lot. Molly and Avey have some best friends, Cabella and Morgan that moved recently so we met up with them at the Treehouse museum one day to catch up and play.

This Thanksgiving was spent in Price. We had such a fun time with family! Avey was so tired because she played so hard. She fell asleep in the car and on the couch with all kinds of chaos going on around her. On this trip mom and dad had just found out that mom is pregnant! So EXCITED!!

Playing with the Maulers bunny.
Molly trip to the dentist ended with No Cavities!

A date to see Mary Poppens.
Molly took 1st place in the Reflections program in the music category. We were so proud of her and the song she wrote about Minecraft.

Letters written to Santa!
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