Monday, August 24, 2015

Whitehead Family Reunion 2015

 The Whitehead Reunion was the last weekend in July and into August.  We started Thursday- downtown SLC at the Family History Library.  We got to see the lab that mom and dad work in and meet some of the elders and sisters that they work with.  Then we went downstairs and did a little class about attaching stories and photos.  Mom shared her testimony of tender mercies and an Elder led the class.  We headed to our house after for a yummy dinner and to just hang out.  We learned our new theme for the year CK- Covenant Keepers.  Put the kids to bed and the adults hung out and visited.  The next day-Friday- was spent at Lagoon--Playing HARD!  Then on Saturday, I taught a little photography class and we sang our verse of "We are Family."  We grabbed a quick lunch and headed to the Hale Center Theater to see The Little Mermaid.  It was so great to be ALL TOGETHER!  I love having a family who likes to spend time together.  I really am blessed to have such a WONDERFUL family!!