Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Anniversary 12 years!

On our actually anniversary, Michelle watched the girls so we could have a date.  We went and test drove cars just for fun and went to lunch.  That night was had poozokie and Nick brought me flowers.  Then the next week mom and dad watched the girls while we went to the Alaskan Inn in Ogden Canyon.  We had a really nice, relaxing time.  It was the first time I have left Avey over night, but I did great and so did the girls.  I made Nick a yin yang cake because that is how we are.  We are pretty different in a lot of ways but the same with the things that really matter.  Our differences make us love and balance each other!  I am so in love with Nick.  This last year I have had several friends with struggling marriages and it makes me to thankful for a man always willing to work on our marriage.