Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Fun

Last week was a bit busy and crazy.  Josephs family came from Missouri and Noah got pretty sick.  He ended up with a staph infection and was in Primary Childrens for 4 days.  We went down there one night and the next morning while the girls were at a friends I went down again and played with the boys.  We had a small Easter party at a neighbors one day and the girls got the hang of how you gather eggs.  Then on Friday, we left for Price.  We stopped in Lehi to see Nana and Papa.  They got the girls the movie Frozen and the girls loved watching it while we drove.  In Price we mostly just hung out, ate yummy food, visited and played card games.  Mom gave a great devotional about what Easter is really about.  I loved being with my family, even though I missed the Hatches.