Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Avenley's Baby Blessing

I have been needing to catch up on some posts.  One is some of the things in Avenley's baby blessing.  Since this is my journal, I wanted to document it.

Avey was blessed with/to:

*Grow strong and develop attributes and characteristics that are pleasing to the Lord and will help her through her life
*Strong spirit
*Further education and help the world
*Serve others
*Glowing example of righteousness and brotherly love
*Stay close to righteousness
*Take Spouse to the temple
*Bear Children
*Be a legacy of righteousness


Shermilton said...

Mine is a little different.

Grow strong and develop well.
Develop attributes and characteristics that are pleasing to the Lord.

Strong mind and body further your education to help the world.

Strong spirit to serve others and spread love to those around you.

Glowing example of righteousness and brotherly love

Stay close to things of righteousness.

Strong member of the church

Go to the temple

Bear children and continue through life and be a legacy of righteousness.