Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy St. Pattys Day!

Well unfortunately our week of warm weather changed on St. Patricks Day making our activity a little cold. We went downtown and watched the St. Pattys Day Parade. I think this is something unique to Price. At least Ive never heard of other towns that do one. Molly loved getting candy. She even got a soda pop which she was thrilled over!
The last few weeks have been spent looking for a place to live. We have never had this hard of a time finding a place that a. doesn't cost more than a mortgage, b. has at least 2 bedrooms, c. is clean, d. doesn't lock us into a ridiculous contract. It has been so hard, but we are getting closer. We are debating a 2 bedroom vs. a 3 bedroom. The 3 bedroom is bigger but doesn't have a dishwasher and is $150 more than the 2 bedroom. The 2 bedroom has a dishwasher and the rooms aren't too small, but no yard at all and close to a busy street. Humm.


Jessica Jensen said...


Angie said...

I would vote for the 3 bedroom because of the yard. One of the hardest aspects for me of adjusting to two kids was how Hazel was stuck in the house during Jack's morning nap. It's not a big deal when the baby's a newborn and can sleep on the go, but once he was 4 months old or so... We just spent a year feeling quite trapped. I would have seriously LOVED having a little patch of grass I could take Hazel out to to ride bikes, do sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles, even just play with Barbies without worrying about keeping her quiet so the baby could sleep.

Shermilton said...

Love the braids!

Jewel said...

I always thought that green and white polk a dot shirt was so cute.