I am including a picture of me/the baby at 20 weeks. I HATE pitcures of my changing body, but I feel like since this is my journal/history, this is the place to put it. I am much bigger this time round. I think if I were to compare, I wasnt this big until I was about 24-25 weeks with Molly. This is the day we found out we were having another baby girl.

Last weekend we didnt have much planned so Friday night around 4:30 we called my sister Sherstin and asked what their plans were. Since they weren't busy, we packed a bag and drove to Monticello. We stopped in Moab at the Blu Pig for dinner with Sherstin and Lance. On Saturday we mostly just hung out, ate good, played games, watched Hugo, and chatted. On Sunday Lance was ordained a High Priest and put in the High Council, so it was fun to be there for that. Mom and Dad and Grandpa Echer came down on Sunday too so we enjoyed family and food after church. Another highlight of the trip was attending the Monticello temple. This picture is of me kissing my cousin Keenan and when I was throwing a fit downstairs.

This week was pretty good. I spent much of the week cleaning and organizing. We have been looking for a place to live since the house is sold, but haven't found anything we like yet, so I decided I couldn't put off organizing for one more week. Molly had her first dance performance and she did awesome!! She was so cute! They performed during the high school drill teams spring show.
This weekend I was sick. Randomly throwing up, so we mostly hung close to home, but we couldn't help getting out in the warm sun for a family bike ride. A great advantage of an electric bike while your sick and pregnant is you can still go bike riding without much effort.