Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boredom Help

OK, so I'm not really that bored, but without a full time job, or kids to worry about, I have some free time on my hands and want to make a list of "projects" I can work on before the baby comes. So what I am asking is, Are there things that you wish you would have done before the kids arrived? (baby, mother, wife, homemaker related, or anything else)

Nick really thinks I should just relax and enjoy my time alone, but I guess I am stir crazy. Of course I won't get to any of these projects until we are moved and unpacked, but just interested.

We will be loading the moving truck Thursday and heading out on Friday. Logan here we come!


Shermilton said...

I wished I would have had systems for family life set up--such as tues. laundry day, thurs. bath rooms etc. routines already set up that were habits. Also our grocery lists, menus... so that I could just watch for sales later instead of trying to do all of those things and a new baby at the same time. I remember feeling like I was a chicken with its head cut off running around and around and not really progressing.

The Leonards said...

My advice would be just to learn any skill you have always wanted to learn, to do everything you enjoy doing (ie. hobbies) and to get some sleep! I just remember after Adrianne was born it was hard for me to do everything I enjoyed doing (ie. painting and scrapbooking) and Ethan is awful at sleeping through the night and I have not had a good nights rest in about 6 months, so sleep as much as you can! Oh and make sure you find a good series to start reading because you are going to be feeding a lot and reading makes it so you wont get too bored!

Lisa said...

I wish I had finished my scrapbooking things. I also wish I had a years (maybe realistically 3 months) worth of menus made up so that I wouldn't have to "think" about what to make for dinner. I still wish for that because it's still not done!!

I would also baby proof the house BEFORE you give birth. I wish I had done that because it seemed like Hannah was crawling and getting into everything right away.

If I think of anything else I'll comment again :)

Lisa said...

The sleep advice is a good one (take naps now too)!! I could never nap once I had babies. I just kept thinking of all the things that needed to be done and then I couldn't fall asleep!

Lindy said...
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Lindy said...

You should just relax....and then might not have this kind of time to do projects for a long time! Good luck with the move. Are you still feeling sick?

Shelise said...

Wow, its kind of a tuff question to answer but there are definitely answers to be given. For one, honestly dont get yourself on to good of a sleeping schedule because then your body really will feel deprived after you have the baby. My opinion is if your body is already used to not getting the greatest sleep in the world then it wont be quite the shock it would be otherwise. (I always said that God made it so pregnant women cant sleep well in the end of their pregnancys to get them used to whats coming with a crying baby)

Also, the first persons comment about having a routine for cleaning, grocery shopping etc. is so true.

honestly I thought I had my house baby proofed (that seems like I spelled it wrong), but you really dont know what to baby proof until they are getting into stuff they arent supposed to. like right now we have our entertainment center taped shut (ghetto I know) because we are still trying to figure out a way to keep him out of the movies.

Really I would just say have your little list of things that are important to you (like getting a massage or pedicure), your house (cleaning, dejunking, reorganizing) things for the baby (getting the room ready, making sure you have all items needed etc.) you and nick (going on dates, or doing whatever really) and then get them done because you wont be doing much of that after shes here.

Oh, and also, having a good book to read while your feeding is such a good idea. they eat so much at first at sitting there with nothing to do gets to drag on for ever, so if you have a book to read feeding times go so much faster.
ok sorry i wrote a book

Joe'n'Jess said...

Keep taking pictures of your belly, for starters. I'll compose a list of things i recommend you do plenty of while you still can.
-go to the movies or out to dinner
-stay out past eight o'clock
-play your music and sing loud while you shower or clean
-get yourself dolled up MORE often
-eat lots of yummy junk food while you have the excuse

I would also recommend that reather than trying to sleep more, practice falling asleep more quickly so that you can take better advantage of the naps times you will have when Molly comes. There is nothing worse than laying down for a nap and not being able to get to sleep before you have to get up again(this is a weakness you and I share). but if i can improve on this point, so can you.
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Sleep and do nothing! And enjoy going grocery shopping by yourself!

Taralee said...

Hey, CONGRATS on the girl news!!!! I am SO excited for you because I LOVE having my girls :) Shelise told me you were having a girl so I thought I'd check your blog out and since I'm here, I'll comment on your post. Even being on my 4th kid, I'm still trying to take full advantage of these last few weeks (I only have 3 more weeks). You'd think I'd be a pro by now, but each pregnancy can be so different and this one has kicked my butt...partly because of the hot weather I'm trying to survive plus 3 crazy kids haha. But I really feel like I'm NOT going to try to get totally caught up on my sleep before he comes. Normally I would (with my other pregnancies), but then my body was so use to those "good sleeping habbits" that it was almost harder to go to the BAD SLEEP that I was thrown in to. So my suggestions are to GET PREPARED in any way that you feel that you would like. Make sure you have all that you need (you'll probably have a shower so that will pretty much take care of that) and I highly recommend having your house in GOOD order because then you won't feel so bad about letting it go for a while after she's born. In a nutshell, just do what you wanna do for now, because your life is going to change (for the better, but change it is :)) and that way you won't be wishing you'd done certain things.

Good luck and congrats again!! :)

P.S. with my first I didn't start showing and wearing maternity clothes until I was about 6 1/2 months, so you probably just have some good room in your body for a baby :)

Encore Dance said...

Make sure that the baby's room is completly done and decorated, after she comes it won't get least Tatum's isn't. Get storage ready for grown out clothes cause they grow fast and I wish I was more organized. Hang out with friends at their house next thing you know you have to call it a night early for bedtime. But just enjoy your belly, all the movements and cravings. Talk to her and sing to her, push back when she pushes. YOu'll miss that.

Joe'n'Jess said...

Nick: here is that simpson's website
hope you have fun.
Oh, and about my anniversary gift. Its none of your business, thats what i got!

Jewel said...

I just don't even know what to say to you because I already know how ready you are and have been to be a Mom (and Dad).
Ready or not, here she comes!

Bryan and Christy Clark said...

How are you guys? We haven't talked for so long! I liked reading what everyone had to say and comparing to what I wish I would have done. I agree with not getting used to good sleeping habits though. Take a nap of course if you are exhausted and definately work on falling asleep faster. I always picture a completely black backround and then put a white egg in front of the black backround and try really hard to concentrate on the egg. Sounds weird, but it works for me! And I wish I would have written in my journal more often about what I thought about having a baby and how it felt and even if I had a crazy emotional day. Just so you (and the baby) can read it later and laugh.

Ali's 2 boys said...

Congrats on the pregnant thing! And a Girl huh!
I wish I had used my time pre-kids to go to the temple. It becomes impossible to go after the baby is born.
good luck moving.. didnt you just do that?