Sunday, January 17, 2016

Other January Happenings

Skiing with Johns family
Nick teaching Molly so HapkidoAvey helping in primary
Princess tea party
 Rosey cheeks from being outside sledding.

 Trying on Daddys rain boots.

 All wrapped up!

Just some cute poses!

 CandyBar cake I made for Uncle Jims 70th Birthday.  We went to that last Saturday.  It was so fun to surprise him and to get to see most of my family again.  After it was over I went to Julias while Nick went snowboarding with John and his older kids.  Julia and I went through clothes and then Jess joined us too.  I got to cuddle sweet Ella and I LOVED it!  

 Molly in her new fake glasses.  

 Surprising Yaerli in Springville when I went to watch her play.

 Free Ice Cream day at the Frozen Custard place.

 Date night!  Over the Christmas break I stayed the night with a friend for a couple of nights to help her with her first newborn baby.  They had tickets to this play that they couldn't use so they let us have a date to show their thanks.  It was a fun night of laughing!

 Molly on the morning of her birthday.  Nick bought her a minion.  

 All ready for the party!

 And dinner for her birthday...her choice...McDonalds.  

Happy New Year!

I forgot to post about our New Year!  On New Years Eve, Keith, Ali and Crystal came up and we enjoyed a night of playing games and eating good food.  Molly stayed up until MIDNIGHT! She keeps asking if it was getting close...I think she was tired, but she made it until the new year.  Then Molly and Nick went outside and made lots of noise and we all went to bed.  :)

Happy Birthday Molly

This week Molly turned 7!!  She decided that what she really wanted for her birthday was a MineCraft party.  She invited 7 friends over for a piñata, scavenger hunt, craft, cake building, and kill the Creeper party.  Then yesterday the Sidwells all came for a family party for Molly, Brexton and my birthday.  We ate the mine craft cake and played games.  I still can't believe my baby is 7!  She has become a lot more independent this year.  She is cuddly and remembers special things to cheer you up.  She really gets her dads sense of humor and is getting quite a personality of her own.  She is a perfectionist and has a strong sense of right and wrong.  Lately she has been really into Minecraft, wearing fake glasses, having friends come play and any time she can have with her dad.
McKenzie Michel


 Melissa Prince

 Kabella Hobbs

 Hailey Maughan



 Addy Kelly
