Sunday, November 29, 2015

November Happenings

Leaves are falling ALL AROUND!  We love having our HUGE trees in the backyard, but fall is kind of crazy with the amount of leaves we have to bag.  The kids love playing in them though so I guess it is all worth it!

Thanksgiving this year was at Nate's house with the Sidwell family. (Nick's cousin)  I made 6 pies to take and upon my first bite of pumpkin pie, realized I forgot the sugar.  Bummer.  Good thing for cream!  Molly was most excited about the turkey and ALL that Avey would eat was crackers.

Molly was in a Reflections assembly at her school for the art she did.  She loved being able to show off her art.   Cuddles with Grandma!  Grandma and Grandpa Whitehead came and watched the girls for a day while I went to a workshop.  Avey loved all the extra attention and someone new to listen to her all day.

This month Nick was in a car accident.  Thankfully he was not injured, but his car was totaled and that meant we searched after work for a car, for almost 3 weeks straight!  And...we came home with a van!!  Molly named it Hero and we love it!!  All except Avey.  She always wants to ride in the car instead.