This month started with Nick heading to Vegas for a family reunion for the Meifu side. The girls and I went to Johns house. The girls played with their cousins and Julia, Mom and I did some crafts while we listened.
Chloe and Avey playing in the grass while Amy and I enjoyed lunch together.
Avey has a shirt that says I Love Mommy. One morning when she was wearing it Nick said, "What about me?" The next morning when she put on this shirt, she ran out to the kitchen to find Nick and to show him that she loves him. When she found he had already left for work she asked me to take this picture to send to him.
Getting my scripture power!
Creekside Fall Festival. The girls loved eating the donuts, riding the train and painting pumpkins.
The girls met some princesses and Captain America at the city Fall Festival.
A new dream light to hopefully prevent bad dreams.
Since Avey gave up her binkies she doesn't take a nap very often. When she does fall asleep it is usually with the light on and in the most interesting positions.
Looking for costumes at DI with Aveys friend Verlie.
Nick got to go to Creekside for one whole day as a "WatchDog." Molly loves seeing her daddy at school.
On Halloween we went to Lagoon with the Dutsons. We have enjoyed our passes to Lagoon so much this year!

We got to dress up the kiddos for a ward Halloween party, for the school parade and for trick or treating. Molly was a skeleton and Avey was Elsa. They loved everything about Halloween.
Avey "helping" me babysit Ella.