Thursday, May 21, 2015

Grandpa Echer

Yesterday I had a super hard but super spiritual experience, I was able to be at the care center to say goodbye to my grandfather.  Grandpa had been in a care center doing some rehab from a fall, but started going more and more downhill.  Yesterday I got a call saying they didn't think he had much time left and to come say goodbye.

When I got there I was surprised to see him still talking.  He didn't seem like he would pass soon to me.  I touched his arm and he immediately opened his eyes and said my name.  We talked about ice cream sandwiches and the girls sang "I love to see the temple", "I am a child of God", and "I Know He Lives".  The girls played in the corner while we visited and tried to keep him comfortable.  Mom and Dad, Marilyn and Jim, Ed and Ellie, Jessica and Ella and Me and the girls were there when something seemed to change.  It was about 4 o'clock and things seemed to get more somber.  Marilyn told grandpa that Brittney and Sherstin were on their way and he said he wouldn't be able to wait that long.  The veil felt very thin!  At one time grandpa said that a little boy (Hunter) had told him that Marilyn had called Duncun.  He also mentioned Grandma playing with the kids.

It all happened so quickly.  He just got more quiet and I think Mom and Marilyn knew it was close.  They were on both sides with Ed at the top of the bed.  Mom asked if the men would give grandpa a blessing.  When they put their hands on his head he looked up, wide eyed through the blessing.  Within 5-10 min his heart and breathing had stopped.  Shortly before I touched his face and said I love you.  He wasn't responding at that time...just looking up toward heaven.

Grandpa is such a good man!  I could invasion the reunion he and my grandma had and know it was GLORIOUS!!  My grandpa taught me all about hard work.  He taught me about unselfishly giving your life to serve others.  I love how tenderly he took care of my grandma.  I loved seeing the atonement work in his life.  It was a beautiful day when he was able to be in the blessing circle of both my girls when they were blessed as babies.  I will always remember him at the temple as his family was finally sealed.  I will never forget his visits when I lived in Price just to hold Avey or to bring Molly an ice cream sandwich.  I will miss you grandpa!!