Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sick again...temple and house.

This weekend has been a busy/stressful one for me.  I don't handle more than one thing going on at a time very well.  On Friday we went and saw a house in Kaysville that we liked.  Pretty much everything about it we liked...except that it isn't in Farmington.  On Saturday as we were driving to Lehi we decided to put an offer on it.  That by its self is stressful enough, but we were also dealing with a sick baby and needing to leave her while we attended the temple.  Nick's brother Jeremy went through the temple yesterday.  It was wonderful! And we are so proud of him.  I am thankful for Julia and Jessica so I could attend, even though Avey was sick.  Last night she seemed to get worse so this morning I called her doctor and he wanted to see her.  So we drove to Kaysville and he said she had an ear infection and sinus infection.  We also stopped for a while at the church we would go to if we buy the house.  It looked like a really good family ward.  So now we will just have to see how it all plays out.