Thursday, September 2, 2010


I have found recently that time is even more precious than it used to be. This new calling, summer vacations and trips, the yard and house, and family have all kept me so busy lately. I was starting to feel anxious, like there was too much to do and not enough time to do it. Last month in RS, my counselor gave a lesson on Sister Beck's Women's Conference address. She talked about the essential things that you should do daily, then the necessary things, and last the nice things. Under the essential list was scripture study. I have always studied my scriptures, but more often than not it was right before I stumbled into bed and had little energy to get through a few verses before falling asleep.

After reading and studying this talk, I decided to put it to the test. I would do the essential things FIRST and then pray for time to accomplish all the rest. I have been doing my scriptures and prayers first thing in the morning. I am even getting up before Molly to do it and I haven't been tired...another blessing of doing the essential. The Lord has kept his promise. I have had plenty of time to accomplish all the things that I need to do and have found even a few spare moments. (Not long enough to turn on the TV, but I haven't missed the influence of the world.)
You should put it to the test! Read the article and see what the Lord wants you to do.


Nevada Woolfs said...

Hey guys, I just had to tell you that out of the blue Max just said..."Daddy, I want to see Nick and Sarah again." So when are you coming down to Vegas to see all your old friends?!?

Shermilton said...

Thanks for the reminder. I revisited that talk this morning and want to be a more fierce lioness against the influences coming into my home.

Emily said...

I definitely need to try that out. I actually have the opposite problem of most. No kids, no job and tons of time. But, you'd be surprised how hard it is to motivate yourself to do more. Maybe reading the article will help give me a jump start.

Jewel said...

Thanks Sarah. So happy to hear that you are being sustained and blessed. I pray that it will continue strongly for you and your husband and sweetie pie.

Lindy said...

Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you :). BTW....we went to Nauvoo last weekend and I thought about you a lot. I was sad to see our "home" was gone (I had no idea), but I suppose it's a good thing. Wish you could've been there!

Green's said...

We have been with out tv and cable for over a year, and we have not missed it one bit! It makes me happy to think of the $$$ we are not wasting on it. As for the internet, I would go insane with out it!

I am going to read the article. I need to make my time happen and not just let time happen to me. Thanks for sharing the article!