5 years ago
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Girls Weekend
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Molly at 18 Months
We had Molly's well baby yesterday and thought I would share the results...

Weight: 19lbs. 9oz. (2nd percentile)
Height: 31inches (30th percentile)
The doctor told us the same thing he always says, "She can afford to gain a little weight." I can't believe how small she is for how she eats. I hope she keeps her metabolism later in life because that is all I can contribute her smallness to. She is such a great eater and is not picky. She eats whatever we eat with little or no complaining. I am thankful for that!
Molly says so many words now it is hard to even list them all. She is really good at holing a pencil and scribbling. She uses a spoon/fork to eat most of the time. She loves to be outside. I can't wait until we get the rest of the fence up so we can spend more time outside in the back. She loves to give cuddles, makes a "silly face" when we say the word, dances, hums, and continues to bring us joy everyday!
These are some pictures of Molly and Nick in the kiddie pool we got.
Nick has been busy working on a shed for us. I am getting antsy to get the whole yard done. We are getting concrete poured on Monday to extend our porch, the fence soon after that, curbing and then some bushes and trees. It makes me excited to think about.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It's been a while
I guess I can say that life as an RS pres. is even more busy than I expected. I feel like I usually don't have time to sit and think let alone blog, but this morning the construction work me up before Molly so I thought I would play catch up.
About 2 weeks ago we went down to Manti to camp with Nick's family. We always have a good time there. I felt a little stressed out because Molly never napped while we were there, but other than that it was nice. We even took Molly out on the lake in the canoe for the first time.
Nick was out of town Thurs-Sat. last week at PUSH training. He has them once a month for 3 long days. In October he should be a certified PUSH therapist. PUSH is a muscle work therapy, similar to massage but it is systematic in the order you work the muscle. It is SO nice to be his practice.
Another milestone the last few weeks is that Molly turned 18 months and went to her first week of nursery. I honestly think it was harder on me than her! She loved it. How is my baby growing so fast?!? We have her well baby check today, so we will see how much she has grown.
Monday, July 5, 2010
4th of July
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