Molly set up this "display" of fun things. She called it Day Care and Avey and I were the kids coming to be babysat. Love her creativity.

One day was warm enough to pull out the bikes. Molly had grown too big for her small one, but this bigger one from her cousin is a little too big. Which makes her nervous, but she has been trying---with her dad by her side.

Avey and I went to Yaerli's last game so Nick and Molly went out for Chinese food. Something they both love.

Aunt Camille came up one evening and took us all to dinner. She scored taking us to a place to get ribs. Molly loved it and luckily they had Mac n cheese for Avey.

Nick going to Molly's school to be a watchdog. She LOVES when her dad gets to go to school with her.

Molly got a bunch of new cute pass down clothes and boots. She was showing them off.

The girls Valentines they gave out.

Family movie night with Michelle and her kids. Claire and Avey are about a year apart, but they are about the same size and play so well together. They are like best buddies.

One day a week or so ago, Avey had a cough and yucky nose. You could tell she wasn't feeling well. I was getting her bed ready for her to take a nap and came in to see her already sleeping.

Playing with dad and mustaches.

Valentine party at the church and music group for little Miss Avey.

Getting to see Yaerli play her last basketball game.

A nice warm day...in the 60's and Avey thought it was time to play "beach."

Doing puzzles.

Sending a balloon to Heaven on Hunters birthday. Molly had the idea to send a message to Cherish too.

The Sonata hit a milestone...100000!!

I went to get an X-ray of my back. Hip and low back pain since I was pregnant with Molly. Worse when pregnant, but not really ever feeling better. Then recently shooting pain down my right leg. The X-ray looked good so I will have an MRI on Friday.