I haven't blogged much because our life has been centered around potty training. Molly did really well for about 2 weeks, but had a full week relaps that was kind of stressful for me. I wanted to give up several times, but thankful forNick, my family and friends for talking me through it. Right now...she is doing pretty well. It has been a hard transition moving back to Price. Not because anything here has been bad, but because I have missed Logan, my friends, my sister, my ward and my house. Things are getting better. I am starting to feel a little more settled...just had to be in transition.

One weekend since we have been here the Jensen's came down and I went on my first 4 wheeler ride. I really enjoyed it! The helment was pretty big, but I liked the ride. We alos went to a Carbon football game with Sherstin and her family.
We went back to Logan for Labor day to help the Jensen's roof their house. I had a lot of fun visiting friends at church. I really enjoyed spending time with my friend Janell. We were able to get together while I was there for a while which was really nice.
We are still trying to sell our house which has been a bit of a stress, but I feel like things will work out. I just need to be patient.
I have been atteneding a gospel study group with this ward where we read conference talks and discuss them with each other. I also went to book club for the first time and really enjoyed that. Today I went to play group with Molly and enjoyed that too.

On thing I have really enjoyed about being here is the time Nick and I have had together. Between Hapkido, RS and Molly, we didnt get a lot of time together much in Logan the last year, so we have really enjoyed that. We have been going walking every morning together and then as a family at night.
Nick is really enjoying his job here and that makes the transition worth it. I just love my little family!!