The Stadium of Fire 2011.
My sis-in-law Julia and I attended. We are like two high school girls when it comes to David Archuleta!! We screamed and cheered and sang along to all our favorites. We also got to see Brad Paisley and loved his music too. It was SO MUCH FUN! I had gone down a lone and Nick stayed with Molly, so I left to drive home at midnight, but it was all worth it!!
New Job:
About that same week Nick applied for a new job in Price. We did not plan on leaving Logan, but Nick was SUPER unhappy in his job and just needed to "look." He had applied at a few jobs in Ogden...with the intention to commute if needed and Sunshine Terrace wanted to interview him for a full time position, but we didn't think an interview in Price would do any harm. A week after the interview, Nick had the job and we had a BIG decision to make! In the OT world, the lowest paid jobs are pediatrics, but that is his favorite area to work. This job offer was making what the highest paid OT's make, but he would still have to opportunity to work with kids at least part time. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up, so without really telling anyone, Nick accepted the position. I stayed in Logan and semi-packed the house and prepared for surgery. I was planning on having a laperoscopy procedure to check for infertility issues. We left for a family reunion (more about that soon) and upon returning home, told our friends and family that we would be moving in about a week and a half!! That week Nick also told Sunshine Terrace that we were moving. They came in the next morning with another offer to get him to stay, but we still thought it was better to pick the job where he could work with kids. It was a good offer and we were thankful that they wanted Nick that bad. Nick also went in to CCSD and told his boss that he would not be renewing his contract. When he got home he said he felt like the biggest weight had been lifted.
The next day I had surgery. Mom came up and watched the kids and Jess stayed with me at the hospital. I was so thankful for my ward that week!! They really helped so much by bringing cards, flowers and meals. My friend Janell came over and cleaned and my friend Sharon helped pack some things. My recovery went quickly for which I was so thankful!! After about 3 days I wasn't hurting much and after 5 days I felt about 80%. Not too bad.
Fast Forward one week, and I am sitting in my parents basement wondering what to do. Got everything moved in, organized and cleaned. Life seems pretty simple right now. Only 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a family room to clean. Meals to cook only every other night. Even my shopping is more simple with less places to have to hop to and from. Nick works a typical 8-5 day. We have spent nights on walks, watching tv and eating popcorn and even reading.
I have been trying to get things organized for the new RS Pres. I am so thankful for the time I have had to serve as RS Pres. I sort of feel like I am coming off a mission...a little afraid of the spiritual high I might have to come down from...worried that all the blessings I was blessed with this last year will disappear. Missing my ward and friends and feeling like "my place" will be so quickly and easily taken. That I will be replaced.
I have felt that about the house too. Living in Logan has fulfilled what I wanted. I beautiful home that I designed and loved, great friends and ward members, my sister being so close, Nick providing and allowing me to stay home and of coarse the opportunity to be a mother for the first time. All happened our two years in Logan. I'm telling you...like a mission...The Best 2 Years!! I will miss it! But...the grass is always greener where you water it. I guess I need to make the best of it. One friend told me, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
We will plan to stay at mom and dads until our home is sold. So the house is going up for sale soon!! Let me know if you know anyone who wants it! Then we will start looking for a home here. Until then, the Hawkes are staying in our home, taking care of it. Everything is going well. I feel good. Nick is loving his new job and being home has been good too. Just adjusting still, but it has all gone very smoothly.
The Reunion:
Now, rewind. Details of our family reunion. We had a Harry Potter Themed reunion. We were assigned 2 characters to be. A good guy and a villain. Nick was Hagrid and Lockheart. I was Cho Chang and Pansy Parkensen...although when we went to the movie dressed up I was Umbridge, and Molly was skabbers. The first night we had a grand feast and were sorted into houses. The weekend was full with, quittich, tri-wizard tasks...golden egg toss, HP trivia...which you got an extra point to try an every-flavored bean, some of which were VERY nasty, wand making, a service project relay where we make hygiene kits for humanitarian aid, a trip to the aquatic center, and cowabunga bay, talent show, yummy food, visiting, fhe with gospel truths found in hp, and a trip to see the final movie. What a BLAST!!