I can hardly keep up with life lately. It is already the middle of August and I feel like time is flying by. The last 2 weeks have been a lot of fun for us. We were out of town or had company almost everyday. In between we squeezed in 4 new babies in the ward, a sick sister, a few presidency meetings, a trip to the temple, a little yard work a new patio and a new shed built from scratch by Nick. (pictures of the completed project to come...)
First was our great friends the Mickels coming to visit. They just moved up to Ogden so it was a great time to get together. We mostly just enjoyed good food and visiting, but we did take the kids to the splash park and to the zoo. The Mickels are college friends. I love how even with years gone by we can still get together and feel just as close. 
Second was the celebration of our 7th anniversary. Nick and I left Molly with my sister and went early Thursday morning to Heber where we went on the Heber Creeper Railroad to a stop up provo canyon where we got off and went rafting. After rafting we went to Sundance for the afternoon and rode the lift and soaked in the beauty. Thatnight we ate dinner at a Southern BBQ place and relaxed at Johnson Mill bed and breakfast in Midway. It was beautiful there! They have like 26 acres of land, a waterfall, pond and trails to walk on. We were in theWaterfall room above the waterfall. 

We had a wonderful breakfast there the next day and then headed to Park City. When we got there we went to historic Main St. and walked around. I tried on a $14,900 fur coat and then off we went to Olympic park. Nick and I watched skiers andsnowboarders practicing. Then we went on the Extreme Zipline. Wow what a rush! After lunch and some shopping we headed home to our little one. That weekend my mom and dad came up for a wonderful, relaxing weekend. We went to Toy Story 3 with them, ate yummy food and visited. On Sunday my mom came to RS with me.
The next day the Sidwell's came and stayed with us Monday and Tuesday night. We went to Lagoon with them on Tuesday. Molly really loved the marry-go-round and the train. We all had a super fun time!
Then Wednesday night my sister Sherstin and her family came and stayed until Sunday. We played video games, shopped, went in the swimming pool, took some fun pictures, went to the fair and rodeo and had a great time.
Needless to say after two weeks of fun...I have a house to clean and a lot to catch up on. My vacation plans aren't quite over yet. I am going to Price this weekend.
PS- Molly is doing so many new things right now. She says so many words. She is famous now for her "ninja" and her "bunny face." She has gone potty a few times on her own. I haven't officially started potty training, but she asks once in a while. Maybe soon. She is loving nursery which is a huge blessing because Nick and I are pretty busy during church.