Friday, May 21, 2010

Young Women

Since we have lived in our new home I have been serving in the Young Women's organization in our ward. I have to admit I was a little nervous when I got the call, but I have loved it!! I have 4 wonderful laurels. They are strong ladies who try to do what is right. They are such great examples to me! About a month ago we had a few lessons on the temple. The girls asked a lot of good questions and we ended up having a laurel breakfast to finish out temple discussion. Then last night the girls and I went and did baptisms for the dead for 59 of my family names. (Thanks Mom) It was such a great experience. Here are some fun pictures from the trip.


Tiffany said...

What cute girls! I bet you are the best YW leader. I just remember what a huge influence my YW leaders had on me and I loved them SO much. These pictures are awesome too!

-Yaerli Hatch said...

Are those your only girls??? That is so cool it must have been fun doing all of those baptisms. I love your temple!

mom said...

Beautiful girls. Thanks for doing the names for me.

Jewel said...

Cool photos. They are beautiful.