Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i have a toddler

My baby is REALLY walking. By that I mean that she now prefers it over crawling. She has been able to walk really well for the last month, but if she fell, she would crawl to something to stand up. Now she does it all on her own. My little toddler. She also has been getting quite the vocabulary. She says, buby, please, up, pop, bubble, momma, dadda, zess, uh oh, wow, ball, wee, and a few others. Last night Nick told her that it was time for a bath so to go get her robe. She walked right to her closet to get her robe and then was dragging it to the bathroom. Too cute! She also really loves her new chair and her small Book of Mormon. She carries it everywhere.This is Molly touching the temple.


The Whitehead Family said...

What a SWEET toddler!

The Leonards said...

Peter and I both think that you have one of the prettiest little girls we have ever seen!