Friday, August 29, 2008

What's going on

Sorry to my faithful has been a whole week since I posted. We have been so busy with the move. We loaded up the moving truck last Thursday and Friday morning headed out. We stopped for the night in Lehi at my brothers house and Saturday mad it up to Logan. The only problem...the condo wasn't ready. They had finished repainting, but the carpet wasn't clean and the windows, blinds, light fixtures, etc. were pretty bad too. I was disappointed, because I was tired, and had just cleaned the place we left. The landlord was really cool about it though and we didn't end up having to pay for August at all, so that is cool! We ended up staying the weekend at my sister Jessicas, after dropping all our stuff off in the garage.

Monday the carpets were cleaned and we started moving stuff in. We love the place. It is the biggest place we have been in, which is nice! It has new paint, a garage, a large storage room, a washer and dryer, (it wasn't supposed to have a washer and dryer provided, just hook-ups, but the previous people that lived here left and it's in a nice area. I think we will be happy here. I want to take pictures of the place, but I still don't have pictures on the walls or it decorated, so that will have to wait. Maybe this weekend, Nick will be able to help me with the house and we can get it all done. (Thanks to my mom, Jess, Bart, Brennen, Greg and Ashley for helping unpack!!)

Today, I was making cookies and noticed my feet and back hurt...I looked down and started laughing at myself...I guess I really am barefoot and pregnant. It is great though. I have started showing officially. I know last weeks picture doesn't really show it, but really, it just popped out. Now I can start to wear the cute maternity clothes. I swear they are cuter than my regular wardrobe.

Anyway, last but not least, I have to get one picture on here, so this is a picture of the Monday before we left Cedar. We had family night with some friends the Pointers and we highlighted talents. I made this FHE cake for my talent and dessert. The frosting had to be pink, so we could tell them we were having a girl. :)


The Leonards said...

I love your cake! It is so creative! I am going to take a cake decorating class in abou a week and I am super excited? Did someone teach you how to do it or are you a natural?

Lisa said...

The cake is so cute! I love that there is one letter on each cake - you are so creative :)

Sarah Sidwell said...

I had one lesson from Bridget Pehrson, and then I just practiced on my own.

dancin' momma said...

I'm so glad you made it to Logan! Where is your house at? We really miss living there. maybe when we're finally done with all this school stuff we can make it back there!

The Wynn Family said...

We are glad that you made it to Logan with out too much trouble. The cake looks great, and we are awaiting for the prego pictures... Yeah!

Daniel, Stephanie, & Chloe said...

Sarah Maye - Hey, this is Stephanie (Cox) Garvin. I just found your blog and got so excited reading. Congrats on your pregnancy. You sound so good. My blog is Were you living in Cedar City? I am so upset I didn't know. I wish I could have seen you. We've been here for 3 years. Anyways, I'll chat later. So good to see your blog.

Joe'n'Jess said...

i don't know if you have this but i just found julia rasmusen's blog.

Tiffany said...

Come back!

Nay said...

That was a really cute way to tell about the sex of the baby. I'm so happy for you, a new house, a new job for Nick, and a new baby on the way! Lots of exciting events.
I agree with you on the clothes. I loved my maternity wardrobe and always felt cute, that's much more than I can say for my regular clothes.