Tuesday, November 7, 2017

October Molly

This month school has been keeping me busy.  I have had a book report, bones test and world map test.  Violin lessons and practice take up some of my time too but I am enjoying it and have had some play time with friends too.  On the 14th Grandma Whitehead took me to Gardner Village to the witches breakfast.  It was so much fun to be there with all the girl cousins and aunts.  When we got home we went to Scary Hill as a family and I rock climbed, did the bounce house and the hayride.  For Fall break we went to Midway with dad for his PUSH training.  We stayed in a condo with aunt Sherstin and two other friends.  We ate yummy food, swam, watched movies and played games. It was so much fun!!  When we got home we put on our costumes and went to the Ballards Halloween party.  We had a ward party and dance that was fun too!  Daddy bought a new car that is black.  We named it Coal.  I got to ride home in it the night we bought it.   My friends family hosted a spook alley that was super awesome!  Last was Halloween.  I was Hermonie from Harry Potter.  I got lots of candy and slept good that night!