Thursday, October 5, 2017

September Quinsey

I am 2 months old now! At the doctor this month I was 9lbs 15oz. I am growing but Dr. Hoagland says I need more weight so I am taking probiotics now to help my tummy. I had my first ear infection this month too. I cried and cried until mom and dad figured out it was more than just my tummy. After an antibiotic I was much more happy! Everyone came for my baby blessing, but that is when my ear was hurting so I was pretty sad most of the time. Nana made me a beautiful dress and dad gave me a beautiful blessing! We had a great lunch too with all our family and friends. I started smiling this month which has made everyone so happy. They like to make faces at me so I will smile at them. I still nurse about every 2-3 hours day and night. I love looking at my mobile and playing with my sisters. I also love being outside! I went to Cherry Hill for the first time and also got rid of my oxygen for good!