Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas Day 2015

We woke up the kids!  Crazy, I know, but we needed to head to Eagle Mountain to make it to talk to Jeremy so we woke them and they were so excited!  They were both so happy with what Santa brought them and Molly especially thought is was awesome that Santa loved the cheesecake that she left for him.  We opened all the presents under the tree and loaded up the van.  When we got to Nana and Papas we ate breakfast and then got to see/talk to Jeremy.  It was so great to see him.  We feel the blessings of his service in Poland!  Kims family came over and the kids opened their presents from Nana and Papa.  Then the van was loaded up again and we started for Price, but Jess called and said the canyon was really bad.  Then John called and said the canyon was bad.  We turned around and went back to EM.  I texted Joe to tell him that I was sad everyone was together and that I knew how he felt being stuck in Iowa, only to find out that they had flown to Price and were surprising us in Price!  We stayed in EM and played games with Nana and Papa and watched "Once I was a Beehive."  The girls slept great that night and in the morning we headed to Price.  The kids were so excited to see their cousins!  We hardly saw them the whole time since they were playing so much!  We did the pass along game and opened a puzzle the said we were going to Disneyland.  Molly didn't quite get why everyone was cheering, but when I said, "Molly, we really are going to Disneyland," she was so excited!!  We played games, ate, watched movies, and visited.  It was perfect.