Monday, February 10, 2014

There's No Place Like Home!

We made it!  We are in our new home and we LOVE IT!!  It feels so good and I couldn't be more thankful!  On the drive to the house to unload I had the kids in the back with a caravan of cars and trucks to unload.  I got feeling a little anxious and Avey started fussing.  Molly, trying to calm her down said, "It's okay Avey, we're almost home."  It was so sweet and it helped calm me down too.  That night after we were finally ready to crash we laid in bed and felt so good!  It has been busy trying to get things unpacked but it is coming along.  We had so much help from friends, family and neighbors.  We have already had my parents stay for 2 nights and a friend and her baby stay for 2 nights.  It feels good to have space to have people in our home.  God is good to us.  We enjoyed church on Sunday and Molly even played with a little girl a few doors down and I chatted with the mom Jessica.  It's starting to feel more comfortable and settled.


mom said...

There's no place like home.