My baby is growing!! I don't really like it either. It is nice that she does some things on her own but it is all happening so fast. The last few months she has been working on s few molars coming in and it has proved to not be fun for her. She has got in the habit of getting up a night. She finally stopped nursing about 2 days ago and has missed it but done okay so far. She goes down for naps and bed pretty easily still so that is good. Avey is my picky eater. She won't try anything and it drives us all crazy. She is a little mommas girl. She loves playing with Molly and her dad. She is in 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diaper. She is BUSY! She is starting to like books. Especially if the books have animals. She likes to make all the animal sounds. She makes church VERY hard. She says so many words now. Some cute ones are puzzle, watch show, thank you, please, Mol, fish, apple, & nite nite. When she likes a food she say ummm and shakes her head up and down.

She often drinks the milk in her cereal and makes a huge mess.
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