Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Molly Girl

How my Molly has been growing too!  She is officially out of size 4 clothes, as they are too short, but size 5 seem to be big.  She is so mature.  She likes to do things very detail oriented.  She is a good big sister and plays well with Avey.  She does a great job helping around the house and usually does so with a smile on her face.  She is so much better at letting me do her hair.  Not sure what changed but she doesn't complain about it anymore.  She is in dance and enjoys going every week.  She is learning her alphabet and I have been amazed at how well she is doing with it.  She likes to write lists and letters so learning letters has been motivating to her.  She still loves to read books.  She especially loves Nick reading to her, "Junie B. Jones."  She still loves to cuddle with mom and "rocky, rocky."  She knows her phone number.  

Avey Update

My baby is growing!!  I don't really like it either.  It is nice that she does some things on her own but it is all happening so fast.  The last few months she has been working on s few molars coming in and it has proved to not be fun for her.  She has got in the habit of getting up a night.  She finally stopped nursing about 2 days ago and has missed it but done okay so far.  She goes down for naps and bed pretty easily still so that is good.  Avey is my picky eater.  She won't try anything and it drives us all crazy.  She is a little mommas girl.  She loves playing with Molly and her dad.  She is in 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diaper.  She is BUSY!  She is starting to like books.  Especially if the books have animals.  She likes to make all the animal sounds.  She makes church VERY hard.  She says so many words now.  Some cute ones are puzzle, watch show, thank you, please, Mol, fish, apple, & nite nite.  When she likes a food she say ummm and shakes her head up and down.
She often drinks the milk in her cereal and makes a huge mess.  


We have had some of the wildest weather the last few weeks.  We had our first snow of the season and a few days latter, we had wind like you wouldn't believe.  Here are some pictures of the girls looking out the window at the snow and then with the snowman they built.

Jasons Grave

It has been over a year since my friend Jason passed away.  A few months ago I was able to visit his grave.

Fishing Trip

In Septemeber Nick and his buddy Jordan went to Loa area and went fishing for the weekend.  They hiked around to several different lakes and did a bunch of fishing.  Jordan is a friend from our ward in Price.  We love spending time with Cari and Jordan.  They are so good to us and our kids!

Some Oldies

I haven't been able to get my pictures off my little camera for over a year now, so these pics are old but I still wanted to remember this little trip.  Our friends Misty-Cruz and her husband invited us to Huntington lake the week after Avenley was born.  Of course the baby and I stayed  home but Nick and Molly went and had a great time.  I think it was Molly's first time on a tube.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I brag about my kids all the time and today is Nick's turn.  Here are a few emails from a few people here that appreciate Nick's work in the school district enough to brag about him to his boss.  I'm so proud of Nick!  He is such a great OT!

The Email
During the 2012-2013 school year, I was the Functional Skills teacher at Eagle Bay Elementary.  During that time, I had the privilege of working with a fantastic occupational therapist, Nick Sidwell.  I wanted to let you know that he was a very helpful OT.  No matter the skill level of my students, he truly spent time to get to know the student and wanted to find ways that would help them grow.  He gave me ideas that would help out in my class and was more than willing to collaborate.  It was very helpful that he wanted to be involved in finding ways to help the students grow.  He attended every IEP meeting and offered advice and support to the parents.  I had parents mention how thankful they were to have an OT that cared about their child’s needs.

Janet Marsden

Thank you so much for sharing this information!!  We absolutely think the world of Nick.  It is great to hear from happy teachers :).

Enjoy the last bit of your summer!

Another Email:
Hey Jen,

We have talked a lot about Nick Sidwell in our SPED team meetings.  He has done a phenomenal job!  He is always willing to help when we call him and is quick to respond to our team’s/students’ needs.  All in all, he has been the most visible and easily accessible OT any of us has worked with.

Douglas Forsgren
Farmington Elementary

Another Email:
Why is Nick Awesome?

He is always willing to discuss a student weather on his caseload or not.  He is quick to come up with pre-referral/intervention suggestions.   He is flexible in working with children where ever he can find and enthusiastically participates with them.  Kids like him.  He is a good team player.


Taryn Nicksic-Springer M.Ed., BCBA
School Psychologist Intern

Thursday, November 14, 2013