Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Broken Heart

About a week ago Molly woke up in the middle of night screaming.  When I got downstairs, she was shaking and had a hot fever.  She said her heart hurt.  I gave her some water and she went back to sleep.  A few hours later she woke screaming again.  Nick went this time and brought her to bed with me telling me her heart was racing.  She still had a fever so we gave her some Tylenol.  A few hours later she seemed to be feeling a little better but she kept saying her heart was broken.  Nick felt like we should take her to the doctor so I did.  When we got there and they took her heart rate it was very fast so the Doctor ordered an EKG and chest x-ray.  Her heart was fine thankfully and he assumed she had an infection somewhere in her body causing the fever and racing heart.    He gave her a zpak and the next day she was a different child.  Thankful she is healthy again.

Molly resting when we got back from the doctor.


Angie said...

Sad, but thank goodness it was nothing serious! I was bracing myself for some really bad news as I read the post.