Thursday, July 25, 2013

Atticus Jack Cox

Last Wednesday a friend of mine sent her son up to check on her 4 month old baby who was taking a longer than usual nap.  To Ben's horror he found his little brother blue.  Atticus had died of SIDS.  They tried to revive him but to no avail.  John and Julia are very close to them and were some of the first people there.  They stayed while Jenny and Ryan had to be interviewed and everything was treated as a crime scene.  What a nightmare.  My poor friends.  That night I couldn't sleep.  My heart broke for them and felt kind of scared.  I think I check on my girls 5 times that night...and gave more kisses.  These babies that God gives us on loan are just that...on loan.  We are blessed to Love them in a way comparable to the way God loves us.  It is a blessing.  The temple and sealings are also such a blessing.  God gives us a way to be together forever.  I don't know what I would do without that knowledge and without my forever family.  Thanks be to God!


Jewel said...

A sweet baby boy.
Thank you for caring so much.

Shermilton said...

So sad. I felt so bad for them. I can't imagine.