Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10 Months

Things my baby is doing at 10 Months:
1.  Crawling all over and getting pretty fast at it!
2.  Pulling herself up on furniture and chairs.
3.  Says "mama, baba, numa numa, uh oh"
4.  buzzes lips
5.  Takes 2 naps a day but doesn't seem to need both.
6.  Size 3 diapers
7.  Starting to eat table food a little more...favorites, pretzels, fruit, lasagna, peas
8.  Sleeps with a binkie and blankie that she loves
9.  Hates being in her car seat!
10.  Was sleeping through the night before she got sick, but hasn't sense.
11.  A little more picky about who holds her, but will still smile at anyone.
12.  Really loves when daddy gets home.
13.  Waves Hi
14.  Waves bye-bye and sometimes says something that sounds like bye-bye.

I know I say this so much, but she is SUCH A JOY!  We can't get enough of her.