Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Well Baby

Avey had her well baby check today.  I am a little behind because of the move and since she is almost 6 months (In 5 days) we did her 6 month check.  Avey was 25 in./26th percentile for height, 13.10lbs/10th percentile for weight and her head was 16.5in/36th percentile.  When I look back on Mollys stats at her age she is just a little bigger but not by much.

Avey is quite the little talker...or should I say big talker.  She has a loud voice.  It is funny becasue Molly used to have such a quiet voice and loud cry.  Avey is the opposite.  She is so loud when she is babbling and her cry isn't too loud.  She doesn't cry much though.  Still nurses every 4 hours and might start baby food soon.  She wakes once at night to eat and sometimes more for her binkie.  She likes to wrapped to sleep still.  She loves to cuddle and be close.  She is smiley!  Naps 3 times a day and is now in size 2 diapers.