Tuesday, October 23, 2012

3 Months

Avenley keeps growing everyday.  It is almost so fast you can see it.  She is so allert and interactive.  She loves all people who smile at her and she smiles back and coos.  She is getting to have a preference who holds her though.  Mommy being number 1.  She still nurses about every 3-4 hours.  Takes several naps a day and is now only waking up once at night to eat.  Yea!  She is in size one diapers and still 0-3 month clothes.  She still loves her mobile but not so much the swing anymore.  She loves her bath and hates getting out.  Her skin is often dry and needs lots of good lotion everyday.  She has found her hands and LOVES to chomp on them.  She doens't really suck the fingers, just bites down.  She has started taking her binkie better for which I am thankful.  She is easy to put to sleep...just wrap, put binkie in and rock for a few min.  We love, love, love this girl!!


Shermilton said...

So cute. Wow these make me very Avey hungry!