A little about Avenley at one month:
* She has grown. She is 8lbs. 6oz. and is 21.75" long.
* At her 2 week appointment she was 7lbs. 6oz. so she has gained a pound in 2 weeks. (At two weeks her weight was the 30th percentile, 90th percentile for head and 95th percentile for height) Tall girl!! Molly was never anywhere close to that high for weight or height.
* She has a birth mark on her left eyelid, the top of her head and on her neck.
* She makes the funniest faces when she is filling her diaper. Still in newborn size.
* Avey nurses about every 2.5-3 hours. At night she takes a bottle at midnight from her daddy (BEST DADDY EVER) and wakes again around 3 or 4 to nurse. She was sleeping better at night, but the last few nights has had a two hour wake time. Still confusing those days and nights.
* Went on her first "walk" today.
* Likes to be in the sleepy wrap.
* Favorite position seems to be with her head on my shoulder.
* Her hemotoma is almost completely gone.
* She has made the trip to Provo already.
* She is patient with Molly tryoing to wake her up.
* Usually falls asleep in the car.
* Smiles
* Follows you with her eyes.
* Still nurses with the shield. Everytime I have nursed without it she was spit up ALL her food, so we are sticking with the shield for now.
* Today when I was trying to take some pictures she totally pushed up on her legs and rolled. She was on the boppy, so she was already elevated, but pretty strong girl.
* Holds her head up at a 45 degree angle.
You're kidding me! How can she be a month old already? Two weeks, maybe. Time flies!
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