Sunday, June 24, 2012

Family Pictures

Disclaimer...I am usually the one taking the pictures.  I hate being the one in the picture.  Especially because I only notice what I dont like about the picture after I am home and ready to crop or edit.  Ah well.  We took these last night mostly with the tripod and timer.  The one of Nick and I Molly took.  Really-she did.  Nick taught her how to push the button while it was on the tripod.  Not too bad, but this is the only one that we got together that sort of worked out.  Pretty fun though.  Only 3.5 more weeks until our family of 3 becomes a family of 4!!!


Jessica Jensen said...

Fun pics. I love them all. I love the one of you and molly holding the baby... So cute. Also loved reading the story of her play date and being in the pool :)

Jewel said...

I love the close up of Molly on your belly.

Green's said...

So lovely! Hope the baby comes soon and that the delivery is as pleasant as possible! HUGS - Julianne