Friday, May 25, 2012

Park City Trip and Dallin's Baptism

I just noticed I never blogged about our most recent family trip.  A few weeks ago Nick had a PUSH Therapy training in Park City.  I have refused to travel anywhere, but since it would be longer than one night, Molly and I went with him.  They had the training at The Lodges in Park City.  It was really nice there.  Nick had trainings all day, so Molly and I mostly hung out in the room reading, watching TV, resting and swimming in the pool.  When Nick was back we did more swimming and went downtown for dinner.  It was a nice get away.  That weekend when we got back was my nephew Dallins baptism.  I was so proud of him.  He is very special to me since we lived so close to them for a few years...I got to see him grow up.  He asked me to talk on the Holy Ghost.  It was a fun weekend with the family!

Molly loves reading with her daddy.  I caught this one of Molly trying to read my hypnobirthing book.  She also really liked throwing rocks into the pond.


Angie said...

I am impressed Molly was happy to play in the hotel all day! I've thought about following Todd up to Sacramento sometimes when he's gone for a few days, but the thought of entertaining the kids all day in nothing but a motel room sounds like torture to me. You've got a little sweetheart there!

Auntie M said...

Loved the pictures of Molly. I am excited that she loves to read. Reading opens doors for children. You are smart to start her so young. You are spoiled Sarah! Your family is always ready to help!

Jessica Jensen said...

Loved the dance pis and the pics of your trip.