Last weekend was such a great weekend for me. Molly had her first dance recital. She was a doll and stole the show. Before I left her backstage I told the girl helping the little kids to keep her eye on Molly because she likes to wander. Sure enough, as soon as I sat in the audience, here comes Molly, just walking on stage looking around. She did pretty well on her dances. She is the youngest, shortest and smallest girl in the company. (which I think makes her look even more cute). During her ballet dance she noticed something black on the stage. It was a feather but she thought it was a spider, so she picked it up and was looking around for her teacher to give her the spider. It was so funny. I think the whole audience was laughing. Grandma and grandpa whitehead, grandpa Echer, nana and papa Sidwell, crystal, Sherstin, Jess, yaerli, trinalee, Keenan, and kitahni all came to watch. They all love her so much.
They also love me so much. I'm so spoiled!! All day Saturday my sisters helped me unpack and clean my house. Boxes we unpacked, things organized, house cleaned. They helped make beds, sweep, mop and even put up pictures. This week has been so much less stressful only having to go through a few misc. boxes a day, then if I still had a houseful. Nick was busy helping and putting things up like the curtain rods, crib, etc. mom and dad were kind enough to let everyone stay there and made meals throughout the day so we didn't have to stop to cook. Like I said, I'm spoiled!! I have the best family! I'm feeling pretty settled. I even got a calling in the ward this last weeks as RS activities coordinator. I still have a to do list a mile long, because that is how I am...always making lists, but I actually can relax a little without thinking about all there is to do. Its a good feeling.