Monday, August 22, 2011

Lake Powell and Potty Training

About a week and a half ago, Nick and I took our first REAL vacation without Molly. (We went overnight last year, but it was a pretty quick trip) My brother John invited us to Lake Powell. It has been over 10 years since I had been to Lake Powell and since Nick had never been, I was really excited to show him the fun of Lake Powell. We skiied, knee boarded, wake boarded, cliff jumped, ate, explored canyons, visited, played games, saw rainbow bridge and simply enjoyed the warm weather and water. I really loved spending time with my hubby and seeing him enjoy Powell. Thanks John and Julia!!

When we got home, Molly was super interested in being potty trained. She has spent time with her 3 year old cousin Nathan while we were at Lake Powell (who was reciently potty trained) and decided it was her turn. The first day and a half went better than I expected. Then Friday and Saturday my sister Jess and sister Sherstin came to Price with their kids and Molly seemed too distracted to even care. I wasn't turning back this time though so we kept to it. Yesterday she went the whole day without an accident. I was so happy! Today she had a couple accidents, but I think she is getting it. Both of the accidents were while away from home. Guess she still isnt ready for that yet. Praying it continues to be better.


ShazBraz said...

Go Molly! Go Sarah!

Jen said...

WOW!! That's great!

Nathan much be a great potty training missionary. Grace has some newfound interest in it now that she's noticed he isn't in the diaper club anymore! :)

Angie said...

We're in the throws of months-long potty training efforts. I wish you the best of luck!

I went to Lake Powell for the first time last summer and completely loved it. Todd was like you, super excited to introduce me to paradise on earth.

Woodward Family said...

It sounds like you had a lot of fun in Lake Powell! I came by your mom's to see if you and Molly could play and your mom probably thought I was psycho since she didn't recognize me! We'll be down sometime after this baby is born, so we'll catch up then!

-Yaerli Hatch said...

I wish I could've gone with you! It sounded like a bunch of fun! Hope potty training goes well!!

Shermilton said...

You can do it, Mom! Glad Powell was fun.