Sunday, June 27, 2010

Relief Society WHAT?!?

Today I was sustained and set apart as our ward Relief Society President. Whew, it is hard to even type it. I feel so overwhelmed, nervous, excited and peaceful at the same time. When they had me stand to sustain me I watched all eyes turn toward me. People kept coming up to after church and congratulating me. I wasn't sure what to think of that. I am excited about my counselors and secretary. They will be a great support. to a new adventure. Any advice is welcome!!

PS-Aren't I too young for this?!?


Angie said...

You are TOTALLY too young for that! And yet, when I first moved to California, the RS president was just a couple years older than me, and I LOVED it. You will make a big difference for the young girls coming out of high school and college, trying to find their place in RS.

I know what you mean about congratulations feeling weird, but at the same time, I want to at least wish you well on this big adventure/challenge. Good luck! I'm sure you will do an amazing job. The Lord called you for a reason. Remember that.

Tiffany said...

I'm not surprised at all. :) You are one of the best people I know so of course Heavenly Father wants to put you to good use! You will be GREAT Sarah.

Woodward Family said...

I'm sorry we didn't see you after church to talk with you, that is so awesome! I guess I'll have to do my visiting teaching now every month! No more slacking when you teach the President! :) You'll be great in our ward!

Green's said...

I had only been married a year when I was called to be the RS Pres, and I too thought the same thing. AND, lucky you, you got to be my 1st counselor!

You'll do awesome!!!

Chad, Natalie, Russell, and Autumn said...

WOW! Well you knew it had to be coming you are the perfect person for it! You are going to do great! My twin (Emily) just got called to be her wards RS President, so if you want to talk to her let me know!

Joe'n'Jess said...

oh dear!!! I wish I had any advice for you-i would be terrified of this calling. Fortunately you are a much better person than i am so i'm sure you'll do wonderfully!

Emily said...

Wow. That's a heavy calling. All I can say is, having been a recipient of your example when we were teenagers, I know you've got a closeness with the Spirit that will help you make it through.

Jewel said...

For those long and overloaded Sundays, buy perscription strength deoderant. It will save you some embarrassment- and laundry.

Jewel said...

J.K.- Well, no I am not kidding. But my real advice has been sent to you already. Along with that,
* Get rid of the "needless frills and embellishments" (Julie Beck's term)and
*Remember D&C 84:88- I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you to bear you up."
Love you Sister Sidwell!