Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sleep & Teeth

I am so confused by me little one. How come some nights she sleeps great and then she will go in spurts of sleeping like a crazy lady?!? The last 4 nights have been awful! Is it normal for babies around this age to stop sleeping through the night and have a hard time going to sleep? I know Molly is teething, so I gave her a break the first night and ended up rocking her to sleep. (instead of putting her in her crib to fall asleep on her own.) Then the next 3 nights when I put her in her bed...screams!! Is this typical of teething? Is she getting separation anxiety? Am I just making mountains out of molehills? I am tired and need advice. Any ideas of things to do to help with teething?

PS- she also has not been going down for naps as easily. humm


Nevada Woolfs said...

Orajel and Teething tablets! But they don't always help that much. Our kids have always had spurts where they'd stop sleeping through the night, I think just to trick us! Hopefully you get some sleep soon!

Tiffany said...

It's probably just a phase. Kids like to throw us for a loop when we get too comfortable, or when we are getting too much sleep! HA!

mom said...

Sleep? Mom's never get a full night sleep once your lst is born, well even before. Last night I did not sleep because Noah learned to climb. So... yawn, strech and grab sleep when you can.

dancin' momma said...

Most likely a phase. Both of my girls have gone through this, and I finally figured it out I just have to be consistent and not slip too far out of their normal routine. hang in there!

Shelise said...

As far as my experience goes they go in spurts at all ages. Hudson will go weeks without waking up the whole 12 hours he is sleeping and then all of the sudden he will wake up at least once a night for several nights in a row in a screaming panic (I'm sure its just bad dreams). On the other hand I do believe teething makes their sleep really bad. Although Cannon is breaking through his first top tooth and has slept the last several nights perfectly. So who knows? As far as teething... If I KNOW they are breaking through a tooth I will give them tylenol. I'm not a huge fan of just giving it out like candy but if I know they are hurting I will help them out with it and it works like a charm. Just be consistent. At this point I can't even remember what your question was so who knows if I gave a good answer.