Justa note to let you know that I passed my NBCOT exam (national boards for OTs- its kinda like the bar exam for lawyers but they expect us NOT to cheat) and I am officially an OT! All I have left is to get my state license to practice in Utah ( can't get that one until I prove that I passed the NBCOT). I can't tell you how happy I am... It means all my work and studying paid off. I really didn't know if I passed after taking it but I looked online and the status page said "Passed" so I am so happy and relieved. Sarah took me out for ice cream and Jess and Bart made me dinner to celebrate.
Here are some pics of the victory feast at Aggie Ice Cream of Logan- the BEST ice cream in Utah (not better than frozen custard but I would still kill for it).
Congrats Nick! The picture of your and the little boy is a classic "nick" picture. Always playing with the little kids. lol
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so porud of you!! I knew you could do it!!
Wooo-Hoooo!!! Great job Nick, all your hard work paid off! We are so excited and happy for you!
"Give that man a puppy!" (says Isaac)
Congrats Nick! It was a fun night!
Congratulations, Nick!
(Also, Sarah, another good diaper website to look at is www.greenmountaindiapers.com. They have tons of great info and pictures on using prefolds and covers, which is the cheapest way to go.)
So you're saying that day actually DOES come? It's actually possible to start and finish school...and pass all the boards?! Good to know!
Congrats, Nick!
I had to search for your blog but I finally found it. You look so good and sound very happy. Please keep me posted and I will be checking your blog.
Hey Sarah! This is Natalie Bates...Olsen. I found your blog through Kerry and Kelley Jensen's where I found Bart and Jess then I found you. Yeah, all my kids are asleep and I am blog hopping...I really should do something productive...
Anyway, I had a question but it is one I don't really want to ask in a comment. When you get a minute will you email me? nesloeilatan@gmail.com Thanks, and congrats on your baby and congrats to the hubs for passing that test! It was nice to "see" you for a minute!
YEAH Nick!!!!
Dallin looks so happy for you. Or maybe it was just that he was happy for the Aggie Ice Cream.
What a relief.
Way to go!!! We are proud of you. It is a great feeling to finish school and pass all the test. Do you have a job??? Where will be working??
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