Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Baby to Love

Posting two days in a row is a record for me, but a lot has been on my mind today. 3 months ago today we lost a baby to miscarriage. Sometimes it seems like yesterday-the pain is still so real. Other times, it seems like life has moved forward so fast and new adventures will soon be ours. Either way, today was sort of a "down day" for that reason. There is a teacher at my school that is one week behind where we would have been. Everyday when I see her swollen belly my heart just breaks. When we lost the baby, a friend of mine gave me a talk by a church leader, (can't remember who) that gave 3 good quotes. I look at them each day and they really help, so if any of you are having a down day like me, just remember..."Life is hard but I can do hard things," "Make the best of it," and "Things take time." I know I can make it through.

Tonight Nick and I rented a movie called Martian Child. It is about a man who was planning on adopting with his wife, when she suddenly passed away. He gets a call one day saying they have a child-a 6-7 year old boy who thinks he is from Mars. Sounds comical I know, but it was very touching to see how love grows for a young child that nobody wanted. It is only PG and is a must see!

Who knows what the future holds for us as far as children go. We have definitely considered adoption. I look forward with faith in my patriarchal blessing that says I will be a mother. Until then, I will just keep loving all of your children.


Tiffany said...

You and Nick are going to be the BEST parents, and I really mean that. It's so hard to understand why things happen sometimes. Thanks for sharing those quotes, they are awesome. Definitely something I need to remember for myself. We love you guys.

Tringali Family said...

You guys will be amazing parents! Thanks so much for the attention and love you have shown my kids!

Nay said...

Sarah, you are so honest with all your feelings and you just put it all out there. I'm sorry you were having a "down" day. It must be hard seeing that new teacher. I love your faith and your attitude, you will make it through!

Shelise said...

We saw this movie and loved it. You are such a great person Sarah and you have such a good attitude. I love you. I continue to pray for you both.

The Wynn Family said...

I have to say thank you for everything you have done for my kids. They adore you both. You will be amazing parents, you have so much love to give. When your children come they will be very blessed to be in your home. Our prayers are with you.

Angie said...

I have to admit that I read this post yesterday and didn't comment. However, I thought about it all day long. How bad it would stink to have to watch that teacher's belly grow, how the 8th of every month from now on will be a memorial, how shocked and sad I was when I first heard your sad news, and how it sticks in the back of my mind every day.

There are no words that can make the hurt go away. Only God can do that. Thank goodness He can.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Nick.

Nachelle said...

I remember when I was pregnant with Kylee how attached I felt from the beginning, she already felt like my child. So I can imagine in part how hard this must be for you. I was so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish the best for you.

Lindy said...
