My Little Ladybug is officially ONE! I can't belive how quickly time has past. I still remember being pregnant all too well and all the hard things that come with a newborn, but I wish I could freeze time when I think about her being one! She has been the sweetest baby!!
At One Year Old:
*Avey has 4 teeth. 2 on bottom 2 on top.
*Climbs on everything she can.
*Nurses only 3 times a day (morning, nap and night) and sometimes a few others.
*Eating other foods better.
*Size 3 diaper
*Loves her blankie still and wants to take it wherever she crawls to
*Is so easy going in public. She just looks around at people and smiles at everyone
*Smiles at others yes, but she won't go to just anyone...espeically if mom is around.
*She is a momma's girl!
*Loves her bath
*Likes peek a boo, wheels on the bus and if your happy and you know it.
*Just starting to get into books more
*Hates being in the carseat.