Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hunters Service

All last week starting a week ago Sunday Molly had a fever. It lasted until Thursday when I finally took her to the doctor. She had no other symptoms but since the fever had not broke and she wouldn't eat again it was time. He did a strep test and it wasn't strep so I guess a virus had struck. Luckily it went away before our trip to Price, but she wasn't the happiest kiddo through the trip which proved to be a test for me. I guess because I wasfrustrated that the week after my nephews death, I wasn't able to help at all because I had a sick kid. We went down to Price on Friday night. Molly doesn't like to be in the car and she never falls asleep in the car either. (no matter how tired she is!) So it was quite a long ride. On Saturday the rest of the family came for Hunters graveside service. It was a snowy day but the service was perfect---just like Hunter. It has been a whirlwind of emotions the last 3 weeks.
Bath with cousins.
Yesterday I started a music group class with Molly. I call it "Movement and Music with Mom." There are 7 kids that come and we do puppets, instruments, movement, books, etc. The first day went well and I am excited for more. I think Molly really liked it. She has been walking around with her puppet on singing, "La La La" the last 2 days. Really cute!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gone Too Soon

My sister Jessica gave birth to an angel baby yesterday morning at 1:39 a.m. Hunter G. Jensen was born still weighing 15oz. and measuring 7.25 inches long. We are so thankful to all those who have supported our family and prayed for us in this hard time. It was such a blessing to meet Hunter. He was a perfectly formed...tiny tiny boy. I felt like I was on sacred ground holding that sweet body, knowing that his spirit was too pure to endure mortality fully. He came to get a body and was blessed to be born into the family he was. He will be buried in Price next Saturday. I will miss my sweet nephew but am thankful for forever families!!